122 votes Vote

What's the difference between this program and the freeware CCleaner? The developer should create a comparison chart between TweakRam and freeware versions of this software otherwise why purchase.

Whiterabbit-uk, 16.10.2011, 07:51
Idea status: under consideration


Gee.K, 16.10.2011, 08:10
Oh my, some of these comments are frightening (and with attitude even)...

CCleaner (formerly known as "CrapCleaner") is for your HARD DRIVE
TweakRAM is for your RAM MEMORY.
Windex is for your screen (grin).

Completely different parts of the computer.

Read the description on the product homepage. He does a great job of explaining clearly what the product does.
Antarius, 16.10.2011, 13:28
How did this "Suggestion" get 30+ votes?!

It's a completely different thing to CCleaner. CCleaner removes rubbish files - this is a RAM Optimiser!
Vojta, 11.11.2012, 07:58
But these all "RAM cleaners" work the same way - they put the content of the RAM into a swap file, "freeing" some space. But when the swapped content is needed, it takes more time to load because HDD is slower than RAM. SO this software is completely useless. I'd rather buy a new RAM module.
Why compare with CCleaner? Because CC is a really useful software doing what's it's supposed to - removing junk files without trying to do useless things.


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